About the Journal

The purpose of IDA: International Design and Art Journal (ISSN: 2687-5373), which started its publication life in 2019, is to ensure that scientific, original, and academic studies are evaluated under scientific ethical rules and conveyed to the reader in a qualified environment. Within the scope of the journal, all interdisciplinary articles on design and art fields related to these subjects can be sent for evaluation. IDA: International Design and Art Journal is an international refereed journal. It is a non-profit journal that does not charge article submission charges (ASCs), or article processing charges (APCs).

The language of the journal is English and Turkish. Aiming to publish 2 issues per year, our journal has started the necessary processes to be scanned in international and national indexes. In our journal, the blind-review system is used in the evaluation process, for further information please look at the “Publishing Policy”. Articles submitted for publication in the IDA: International Design and Art Journal should not be published elsewhere or waiting in line for publication. 

Copyright Policy

The author (s) agree to transfer the publication and copyright of the articles they submit for publication to IDA: International Design and Art Journal, and do not charge any fees. All published articles are open to everyone with reference to journals and authors. All submitted manuscripts must be original work that is not under submission or under consideration for publication. IDA Journal is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0). https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/


Emerging Sources Citation Index (since 2022)

Web of Science™ (since 2022)

EBSCOhost™ - EBSCO (since 2022)

TR Dizin - TR Dizin (since 2021)

Index Copernicus International - ICI

Directory of Open Access Journals - DOAJ

WorldCat - WorldCat





Advanced Science Index - ASI

Directory of Research Journals Indexing - DRJI

Cite Factor Academic Scientific Journals - CF

Scientific Indexing Service - SIS

International Institute of Organized Research - I2oR