Bridging the gap between graphic design education and profession in India
Graphic Design, Design Education, Employers of Graphic Designers, Essential Professional Skills, Graphic Design ProfessionAbstract
The graphic design profession has evolved and moved far beyond its past skill-centric connotations. Today’s graphic designers are no longer expected to be merely skilled hands working in silos; instead, they are expected to work with multidisciplinary teams, equipped to handle new challenges of the profession and as professionals. Literature indicates towards lack of preparedness of fresh graphic design graduates to meet the demands of the rapidly changing professional landscape. Thus, it is necessary for design education-curriculum designers, educators and policymakers to design and implement learning environments towards the development of some essential professional skills in view of contemporary work scenarios. This study attempts to ascertain from Indian professionals who employ fresh graphic design graduates, the need for fostering collaboration & teamwork, communication, critical thinking, problem-solving, project planning & management skills in graphic design students to thrive in the workplace. The information is necessary to facilitate the design education fraternity for developing strategies to foster these skills in the academic space. The study results indicate strong support from the employers towards the aforementioned skills.
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